Condition based maintenance railway tools

Written by smart motors | Apr 7, 2021 2:38:00 PM

Following the post from last month, we here detail tools within DAVANA Digitalization platform. 

These features are enabled for specific roles, so there could be users that only have viewing permissions, while others could have planning permissions and work order execution permissions among others. 

  • Work Order Planner:

DAVANA work order planner tool

Work order planner can be used to explore the maintenance history in a calendarized fashion, with a range of filtering and navigation options. It is also used to check out future proposed CBM orders, and in case the planning mode is not automatic, then other options such as validation or rejection will be available on proposed orders.

Validation or rejection of orders

  • Work Order Closure & Reporting:

When workers finish a work order, they can make use of the DAVANA tool to generate a report with the state of the asset inmediatly after the maintenance, which is very convenient for audit purposes.

Point machine dashboard example with work order
closure and reporting within DAVANA

This report includes several graphs and tables showing the current state of selected measure points. It is also possible to define thresholds, so that these measure points show up in a warning or alarm style, in order to check out if the maintenance was profitable or not, right after it was executed.

DAVANA work order confirmation

The report can be downloaded in PDF format and will be stored in DAVANA’s database for future references.

  • Corrective Notifications:

Although not part of the CBM definition, corrective notifications can be created in order to notify issues that would potentially involve corrective work orders, whether it is to prevent service affectation, or in case it has already affected, to ask for an issue correction immediately.

Asset monitoring by smart motors® includes a subsystem that generates alarms in case measured points are out of the safety range, or just if there’s some kind of state combination that could indicate a future incident.

Users can generate corrective notifications so that the alarms are calendarized and maintenance managers start the correction process. Graph reports are also available, showing the asset’s state.

DAVANA Corrective information

These notifications, located at the Work Order Planner, are not part of the CBM - they are not computed by the service, they don’t take resources from it and they just simply should be considered a different resource pool.

DAVANA Corrective notifications

Are you interested in more tools? Meet with us and we will show you  more in detail features.